Personalized Nutrition Counseling

Personalized Nutrition Counseling

The Truth about Feeling in Control
We all want to feel in control, that we have the power to guide and manage our own lives. But when we are trying to follow rules and be disciplined we are giving our power over to external forces and…

A Gift of Confidence & Freedom
Break Free From Old Eating Patterns
I know I should be eating a more healthy diet, but I keep grabbing what’s convenient, giving into my cravings and snacking all evening. I feel stuck – Why can’t I do what I know I should be doing to…

Step Out of the Struggle & Into Your Power!
Do you find yourself … Analyzing everything that goes into your mouth, Constantly asking yourself “Is this the healthiest option?” Fighting cravings Feeling like a failure because you’ve gained weight and can’t seem to control yourself around food You may…

Nourishing Vitality Method: Intuitive Eating Program

“Addicted” to food?!
I remember feeling like I wasn’t going to make it home in one piece… …if I didn’t stop to get a bag of Oreos and eat them all while driving. I know what it feels like to think about food…
Restriction – the Solution or the Problem?
A new diet will keep you from the results you really want. A woman said to me the other day, “I am struggling to manage my acid reflux without medication, I can be really disciplined if I have the right…

Body Acceptance Challenge

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Top 3 Self-Care Tips for Springtime

Include this Springtime Vegetable in Your Next Meal

Weight-Neutral Approach

Intuitive Eating: Making peace with food

Health At Every Size