Break Free From Old Eating Patterns

I know I should be eating a more healthy diet, but I keep grabbing what’s convenient, giving into my cravings and snacking all evening.

I feel stuck – Why can’t I do what I know I should be doing to be healthy?!

Sound familiar?  

You might think something is wrong with you, that you need more willpower, but what if the expectation that you “should” be doing certain things is the very thing that is keeping you stuck?   

When we think we are not measuring up, we feel insecure which leads us to resist taking action because we don’t have the confidence we need.  

Instead, we can meet ourselves with kindness and compassion and ask:

  • How are the foods I am eating meeting my needs in those moments? 
  • What are all the factors impacting my food choices?

When we get curious about our eating patterns, and look at what’s behind them, without all the self loathing and judgment, we can discover how to break free.

That is exactly what we are going to do in Keys to Body Confidence and Food Freedom next week.  Join this 7 Day Challenge to discover the 5 most common unconscious eating patterns and how to break free!

From Sept, 11-17, 2022 you will receive daily emails, access to an online portal with short videos and worksheets, a private facebook group to engage with others on this journey as well as coaching directly from me.  You just need 15-45 minutes each day to engage with the content. 

With an investment of just $21 you will have lifetime access to all the materials and be well on your way in this transformational journey to Body Confidence and Food Freedom.

It’s time to break free – register today!