A Gift of Confidence & Freedom

Finding Intuitive Eating was like discovering another universe, one in which I was not the problem, where I could honor and trust myself and have freedom and ease in my body and with food. I want this for you too!

I’m sharing my Nourishing Vitality Method’s Keys to Body Confidence & Food Freedom for free the week of February 12-18th. 


Because I know what it’s like to feel uncomfortable in my body, the emotional pain of self-loathing, comparing myself to others and the endless cycle of trying, and failing, to “fix” it.  

I thought the only option was finding the right diet and having enough willpower to follow through so my body would comply, but even when I lost weight the inner struggle continued.

I never felt good enough.  

Eating behaviors sabotaged me and the weight would come back.  It felt like a never ending cycle and I was the problem.

Finding Intuitive Eating was like discovering another universe, one in which I was not the problem, where I could honor and trust myself and have freedom and ease in my body and with food.

So I’m here to tell you:   

You are not broken, crazy or unworthy.  

You are doing the best you can within the confines of diet culture.  

Becoming an Intuitive Eater is a process of unlearning the programming of diet culture and reconnecting with your innate ability to know what you need to take care of yourself.  

Keys to Body Confidence and Food Freedom gives you the opportunity to discover and explore this process for yourself.  

You will receive:

  • Daily content including an email overview with short videos, guided reflections and worksheets to access in the private Facebook group.
  • A community of others to grow and learn with.
  • Direct access to me for feedback and coaching along the way.

This is my Valentine gift to you!  (Yup it’s FREE!)

All you need to do is register HERE and set aside 15-60 minutes a day from February 12-18, to start your journey to confidence and freedom.

You’ll never have to go on another diet again – what a relief!!!