Welcome Healthcare Providers!

Do you have patients who:

Want to manage their health condition through nutrition and lifestyle?
Know what they “should” be eating, but just can’t seem to make the necessary changes?
Are frustrated with the cycle of dieting and gaining the weight back?
Feel overwhelmed by your recommendation to go gluten and/or dairy free?
I provide personalized nutrition counseling using a functional approach which honors the uniqueness of each individual and the interconnected aspects of wellbeing.  I seek to address the root causes of issues not just minimize symptoms.  
I assess a client’s diet in relationship to their health concerns to provide recommended changes and teach Intuitive Eating principles to empower them to trust their own internal wisdom in nourishing their body. This approach frees them from following rules around what to eat and empowers them to make choices that support their wellbeing!
I have a Masters of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from Bastyr University in Seattle, WA and a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work from Gordon College.

How to refer a patient

Choose ONE of the following:
Download and fill out a Nutrition Referral Form and fax to 1(833) 991-0042. 
I will follow up with your patient.
Print this Nourishing Vitality information sheet and give it to your patient.
Encourage your patient to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation with me through this website.

What I love most about Julia is her individualized and whole-foods based approach to nutrition and creating sustainable and realistic lifestyle changes.

I know that whenever I refer a patient to Julia for nutritional counseling, they are in good hands.  I know my patient will receive positive and affirming counseling, which will lead to positive and sustainable lifestyle changes while addressing their self-identified goals and concerns.

– Dr. Brenton Murphy, ND