Tag weight-neutral

Step Out of the Struggle & Into Your Power!

Do you find yourself … Analyzing everything that goes into your mouth,  Constantly asking yourself “Is this the healthiest option?” Fighting cravings  Feeling like a failure because you’ve gained weight and can’t seem to control yourself around food You may…

“Addicted” to food?!

I remember feeling like I wasn’t going to make it home in one piece…   …if I didn’t stop to get a bag of Oreos and eat them all while driving. I know what it feels like to think about food…

Weight-Neutral Approach

A weight-neutral approach means that we are not focused on weight-loss as a goal, we are focused on behaviors that support wellbeing which encompasses body, mind and spirit.

Health At Every Size

You do not have to lose weight to be healthy. HAES has 4 principles to help people approach healthcare from a weight-neutral perspective.