Weight-Neutral Approach
A weight-neutral approach means that we are not focused on weight-loss as a goal, we are focused on behaviors that support wellbeing which encompasses body, mind and spirit.
Personalized Nutrition Counseling
Personalized Nutrition Counseling
A weight-neutral approach means that we are not focused on weight-loss as a goal, we are focused on behaviors that support wellbeing which encompasses body, mind and spirit.
Diets don't work. Reconnecting to your natural innate hunger and fullness, deconstructing diet mentality, and establishing ways of enjoying food and movement are what helps you reclaim your life.
You do not have to lose weight to be healthy. HAES has 4 principles to help people approach healthcare from a weight-neutral perspective.
This diet-binge cycle may be all too familiar. Learn two key ingredients to stop it before it starts.