Contact Julia

Transform Your Relationship with Food Today!

You will learn:

How your mindset about your body and food is holding you hostage and how to LIBERATE YOURSELF!
How to get out of the Restriction-Rebel-Guilt Cycle so you can enjoy your food guilt-free.
How to reconnect to your innate wisdom so you can be confident in making food choices that are right for you.

“This FREE guide uncovers the 3 reasons why you struggle to control yourself around food and gives practical tips and tools to help you find peace with food. If you are ready to get out of the dieting rut and discover a new approach that creates lasting change, then click HERE!

— Julia Hampton, MS, Nutrition Counselor & Founder of Nourishing Vitality, LLC

Want my insights on why you feel out-of-control around food & how to start eating with ease, not guilt?

End your struggle with food. Feel comfortable in your body. Enjoy your life!