BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Nourishing Vitality - ECPv6.10.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Nourishing Vitality REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20230312T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20231105T060000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20240310T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20241103T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240817T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240817T160000 DTSTAMP:20250313T030245 CREATED:20240403T183605Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240715T142529Z SUMMARY:Finding Balance Retreat DESCRIPTION:Finding Balance is about finding the middle ground between effort and ease. It’s about listening to our needs and deciding it is necessary to take a moment\, or a day\, to reflect and replenish so we can meet the challenges we face in our daily lives.  \nThis retreat is about YOU and what YOU need to find that balance. \nThis opportunity will allow you to step out of your usual responsibilities so you can relax.  Through gentle movement\, a nourishing meal\, time outdoors and a guided mindfulness practice\, you will leave feeling renewed!  \nWhat’s included: \n\nA morning yoga class (beginners welcome)\nA full homemade meal with a guided Eating Awareness Practice\nPlenty of time to relax outdoors – enjoy a swim in the pool or a stroll in nature\nA deeply restorative and restful guided meditation\, also known as Yoga Nidra\n\n  \nREGISTER HERE – Early Bird Special: $125 until Aug. 1st \n  \nBring your bathing suit\, the book or podcast you’ve been meaning to get to\, and maybe your journal\, and leave behind your to do list and stressors.   \nWe will be available to chat on well-being subjects like Intuitive Eating\, sleep\, nervous system regulation\, self-compassion\, and more\, if guidance on your path is what you desire. \nLet this day be about you and fulfilling your needs. \nJoin us Saturday August 17th from 10am-4:30pm at Village Yoga in Newfane\, VT! \n  \nREGISTER HERE – Early Bird Special: $125 until Aug. 1st \n  \nFACILITATORS: \nJen Frey s a Yoga and Meditation Teacher and Sleep Coach.   She has been practicing yoga asana for 20 years and completed the 200 hour and 300 hour yoga teacher training as well as the Triyana Studies 3 year Mindfulness Program with Kevan Gale and the Fluid Yoga School.  She now serves as one of the lead instructors for the school providing teacher training in yoga asana and mindfulness.  She instructs her own classes out of her yoga studio\, Village Yoga in Newfane Vermont.  \nShe has broadened her mindfulness offerings to include therapies focussed on Chronic Insomnia. Founded in her own difficulty with chronic insomnia she became a certified sleep coach through Dr Gregg Jacobs of Harvard in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). She now coaches chronic insomnia sufferers with the techniques she has practiced herself. \n  \nJulia Hampton is a Non-Diet Nutritionist and Cognitive Behavioral Coach who specializes in helping people who feel anxious or out-of-control around food find confidence and ease in eating to support their wellbeing.  She has a BA in social work and a MS in nutrition and dietetics.  She runs her own practice\, Nourishing Vitality\, LLC\, providing personalized nutrition counseling\, health coaching and motivational interviewing training. \n  \nREGISTER HERE – Early Bird Special: $125 until Aug. 1st URL: CATEGORIES:Retreat ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240101 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240111 DTSTAMP:20250313T030245 CREATED:20231212T154813Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231212T155502Z SUMMARY:Keys to Body Confidence & Food Freedom: 10 Day Challenge DESCRIPTION:Start 2024 off differently!   \nInstead of going on yet another diet\, \ndiscover why the dieting roller coaster isn’t working and \nwhat you can do instead to have body confidence\, food freedom. \nREGISTER HERE \nPicture this… \n* You feel confident in your body  \n* You take action that supports you feeling your best \n* You have freedom and ease in eating \n* You are energized and enjoy living life \n  \nThis challenge is for you if you… \n\nDescribe your relationship with food as: love/hate\, out-of-control\, complicated\, guilt ridden\nFeel uncomfortable in your body \nWorry about your weight and health\nRealize that diet after diet isn’t helping\nAre ready for a new approach to body-image\, eating and self-care\nWant to have confidence\, freedom and ease in your body and with food\n\n  \nWhat to expect: \n\nUnderstand The Fix-Restrict-Rebel-Guilt Cycle \nGet the Breaking Free Blueprint \nPractice Intuitive Eating\nLearn how to create confidence and motivation\nTransform problematic eating patterns\n\n  \nWhat’s included: \n\nDaily email and program videos\, worksheets\, and journaling in the online portal\nConnection with non-diet nutritionist\, and other group members\, in the group chat\nDaily coaching from me in the Eating Awareness Practice journal (if done in the online platform/app) \nLive Coaching and Q&A session on Saturday January 6th from 10-11am (EST)\n\nREGISTER HERE \nHere’s why people are saying YES to Keys to Body Confidence & Food Freedom\, a 10 day challenge: \n\n“I’ve experienced liberation and empowerment through this process.” – Elibee \n“This course has shown me a better way to think about my body\, as a vessel that deserves to be valued and treated with care!” – Tanya \n“This course has been life changing.  It’s been the little changes that have been most meaningful.  I appreciate that you didn’t hold me to unrealistic standards.” – Annie \n“It’s not about restriction or forbidding\, but rather getting in touch with yourself and your body and actually listening.” – Tif \nREGISTER HERE URL: CATEGORIES:Online ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231205T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231205T183000 DTSTAMP:20250313T030245 CREATED:20231121T150126Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231121T150149Z SUMMARY:Cravings & Stress Relief: Workshop & NADA Therapy DESCRIPTION:Create a Balanced Relationship with Food with this Holistic Approach \nTuesday December 5th from 5-6:30pm \nIN PERSON @ Arch Clinic of Acupuncture\, 11 University Way Suite 4\, Brattleboro\, VT  \n  \nThis offering is for you if \n\nYou struggle with food cravings\nFeel out-of-control around food\nAre tired of feeling guilty about your eating\n\nJoin this two part offering to  \n\nCreate a new way of thinking about cravings and your eating patterns\nLearn strategies for mindful and balanced eating\nGain a sense of calm and well-being\nLearn tools to manage stress in daily life\n\n  \nPART 1 \nCravings Decoded Masterclass \nCost: $25 with Sliding Scale of $10 or $15 \nREGISTR HERE! \nIn this class\, Julia Hampton\, Non-Diet Nutritionist\, will guide you through a systematic way of assessing the root cause of your cravings and teach you a 3 step process to gain control of your eating. \nYou will leave this class with a better understanding of yourself\, your body and your relationship with food.  And have clarity about the next steps to take in creating a more balanced way of eating. \n  \nPART 2 \nNADA Therapy  \nCOST: Sliding scale of $20-$40 to be paid at Arch Clinic \nDiscover the ancient wisdom of NADA Therapy\, a gentle and effective approach to harmonize your mind\, body\, and spirit.  This therapy helps get to the root cause of your food cravings\, alleviate stress and promote emotional balance. URL: CATEGORIES:In Person Workshop ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231104T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231104T140000 DTSTAMP:20250313T030245 CREATED:20230908T154444Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230908T165759Z SUMMARY:Health and Wellness Expo at Union Hall DESCRIPTION:Discover a world of well-being and holistic living at our Health & Wellness Expo in the heart of Newfane\, Vermont. Join us for a transformative afternoon of inspiration and education. We will bring together local experts\, practitioners\, and businesses dedicated to nurturing the mind\, body\, and spirit.\n\nAt this expo\, you’ll have the opportunity to explore a diverse range of wellness practices and products that promote overall health and vitality. Engage in interactive demonstrations and discussions on mindfulness\, nutrition\, yoga\, acupuncture\, and Chinese herbs. Qigong\, Feng Shui\, environmentally friendly cleaning products\, herbal tinctures\, sleep and more.\n\nOur hosts will share their knowledge and insights. Stroll through our booths\, where local suppliers will showcase various organic and natural products\, from herbal remedies and essential oils to handmade crafts and sustainable goods. Discover unique treasures that resonate with your well-being journey. There will be yoga asana offerings and pranayama breathing exercises. Embrace the sense of community and connection as you meet like-minded individuals on a similar path toward wellness! URL: LOCATION:Union Hall\, 2 Church St\, Newfane\, VT\, 05345\, United States CATEGORIES:Wellness Expo ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231018T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231018T123000 DTSTAMP:20250313T030245 CREATED:20231007T164316Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231007T164316Z SUMMARY:Cravings Decoded Masterclass DESCRIPTION:In the Cravings Decoded Masterclass I will answer these key questions: \n\nWhy do we crave certain foods?\nWhat should we do when we have a craving? \nHow do we prevent or lessen our cravings? \n\n  \nWhile you may have gotten simple\, generic answers from resources in the past\, the truth is cravings don’t all have the same root cause.   \n> Some cravings are related to nutrient imbalance. \n> Some derive from emotional needs. \n> Some are linked to hormone shifts. \n> And some are the result of eating patterns and the dynamics of your relationship with food. \n  \nIn this class\, I will help you assess the root cause of your specific cravings\, which will inform the best way to approach shifting them. \nYou will leave this class with a better understanding of yourself\, your body and your relationship with food.  And have clarity about the next steps to take in creating confidence in eating. \n  \nREGISTER HERE  URL: CATEGORIES:Online ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230805T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230805T163000 DTSTAMP:20250313T030245 CREATED:20231004T132325Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231004T132325Z SUMMARY:Well-BEING Retreat – Finding Balance DESCRIPTION:Enjoy a relaxing day of yoga\, mindfulness\, eating\, and discussion. \nThe summer is filling up with activities; have you set aside time for yourself? \nTake just one day to retreat and focus on your own well-being. \nJoin us for the Finding Balance Retreat \nSaturday August 5th from 10AM-4:30PM at Village Yoga in Newfane\, VT \nThis retreat will combine information on nutrition\, sleep\, and nervous system regulation with intuitive awareness\, movement and mindset to help you find balance in your day to day living. \nWe’ll explore tuning into our needs and create the possibility to consistently meet those needs for our own well-being. \nThe day will include:\n Mindful yoga (beginners welcome) \n Full meal with guided eating awareness practice \nTime outdoors to relax and reflect by the pool  \n Well-Being education\, group discussion and activities \n  \nLead By:\nJen Frey – Meditation/Yoga Instructor & Sleep Coach at Village Yoga \nJulia Hampton\, MS – Non-Diet Nutritionist & Intuitive Eating Coach \nCOST: $125 – Early Bird price of just $99 till July 11th \nRegister here: \n  \nWhat people are saying about participating in the Finding Balance retreats:\n“I love the movement combined with information and interesting conversations.” \n“This was my first yoga experience. I was so relaxed that I fell asleep at the end.” \n“I appreciate the focus on finding what is right for me!” \n“I have more self-awareness and feel more equipped to prepare balanced meals and make food choices through gentle inquiry.” \n“The awareness I’m bringing to my body cues of hunger and my eating patterns is helping me notice that my body has its own rhythm of when it wants food and how much.” \nRegister here: URL: LOCATION:Village Yoga\, 599 VT-30\, Newfane\, VT\, 05345\, United States CATEGORIES:Mini-Retreat ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230520T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230520T160000 DTSTAMP:20250313T030245 CREATED:20231003T222817Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231004T131528Z SUMMARY:Finding Balance with Nutrition & Yoga Mini-Retreat DESCRIPTION:Life is challenging.  You’re trying your best but are feeling out of balance.\nIn this mini-retreat\, you will learn the foundations to regain balanced energy through hormone\, blood sugar and nervous system regulation.  You will experience ways of tuning into your body wisdom to guide you in feeling your best. \nPicture this\nYou have energy all day for work and play. \nYou meet challenges with grace and ease. \nYou feel confident about your food choices. \nYou notice signs of stress and can shift back into a neutral\, calm state \nThis retreat is for you if\n\nYou push yourself at work all day and end up crashing at night.\nYou try to eat right\, but then end up gorging on something that’s so tasty and feel bloated and guilty.\nYou squeeze in workouts and walks\, but still feel tired.\nYou’re in a new life stage and trying to make sense of how your mind and body are changing.\nYou’ve hit a low point\, feeling exhausted and resistant to mustering the energy to try another lifestyle change.\n\nWhat to expect\nEngage in a yoga practice that includes breath\, meditation and movement. Build tools that help connect the body and mind in a way that leads to a clearer picture of what the body needs. (suitable for all levels – beginners welcome!) \nGain an understanding of the dynamic function of hormones in your body and two foundational ways to support hormone balance. \nDeconstruct old patterns that keep you stuck in a frustrating cycle with food and your body. \nLearn how to maintain your energy through body attunement\, balanced meals\, and stress management techniques. \nExperience mindful eating as you enjoy delicious balanced snacks! \n\nWHEN: Saturday\, May 20th from 12:00-4:00PM\nWHERE: Village Yoga in Newfane\, VT\nCOST: $60\nREGISTER HERE:\n\n  \nALSO INCLUDED: \n* Personalized Nutrition Consultation to gain feedback on your unique situation \n* A yoga class of your choosing at Village Yoga in Newfane URL: LOCATION:Village Yoga\, 599 VT-30\, Newfane\, VT\, 05345\, United States CATEGORIES:Mini-Retreat ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230401 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230402 DTSTAMP:20250313T030245 CREATED:20231003T221913Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231003T221913Z SUMMARY:75 Intuitive: The Consistent\, Confident & Compassionate way to Health DESCRIPTION:75 Intuitive is a 75-day transformative program that will change how you approach health and well-being – mentally\, emotionally\, physically\, and spiritually. It’s more sustainable\, less pressure\, and totally empowering! \nHave you tried diets\, workout programs\, cleanses/detoxes\, but nothing gives you the SUSTAINABLE change you’re hoping for? \nDo you think: \n\nYou lack self-discipline?\nYou’re not productive enough?\nYou’re letting yourself go physically?\nYou’re useless without accountability?\n\nWant to know a secret?\nYou’re not broken. \n  \nYou’re simply a victim of diet culture – a $70+ billion industry that thrives on you believing that optimal health\, happiness\, and confidence are reserved only for certain [white\, thin\, able] bodies. \nWhat you’ve tried in the past hasn’t worked because you’ve approached health and well-being from a place of fear\, shame\, and guilt (not healthy!). \n  \nYou’re stuck in a cycle of vowing\, “This time it’ll work\,” and wasting time and money on false promises. The dopamine rush you get from thinking about the future (a perfect fantasy) wears off after you hit the first bump in the road\, and you’re left feeling like you’ll forever be a work in progress. \nWhat would it look like to approach health and well-being from a place of LOVE and SELF-TRUST? \nThat’s what we are teaching in the 75 Intuitive Facebook group starting April 1st. \n75 Intuitive is a 75-day transformative program that will change how you approach health and well-being – mentally\, emotionally\, physically\, and spiritually. It’s more sustainable\, less pressure\, and totally empowering! \nLearn how to build consistent habits\, create confidence and develop a compassionate mindset. \n\n\n\n\nGet Intuitive – Join Now!\n\n\n\n\nConsistency\nAll-or-Noting thinking is a common tendency of chronic dieters. We’re either “on the wagon” or “off the wagon.” We either eat zero cookies or the whole box. We either train for a marathon or struggle to get off the couch. \nConnecting with our body’s intuition helps us find balance in life. We accept that life cycles through phases of higher and lower nutrition\, more and less movement\, and all of it is okay. What impacts our health outcomes most is what we do over time. \nAn intuitive approach to health is more sustainable than the rigidity of having to do everything perfectly 100% of the time.  You naturally create consistency because you are in tune with what you need and motivated to take action to care for yourself. \nConfidence\nDiet culture promises that you’ll feel confident once you achieve your body goals. But having a smaller\, stronger\, sleeker\, more able body at the expense of a pleasurable lifestyle and adequate nourishment is NOT true confidence. It’s a false sense of safety that comes from avoiding judgment and criticism. \nTrue confidence comes from the inside out: from a connection with your true self\, believing in your worth and abilities\, and trusting that you will have your own back no matter what. \nCompassion\nResearcher Kristen Neff has discovered that self-compassion is a more effective motivator toward achieving our goals because the “driving force is love\, not fear.” \nWhen we build habits from a place of love\, we remove all of the self-criticism. \n\nWe eat foods that taste good and make us feel good.\nWe move in ways that support our health and are enjoyable\, not because we should\, but because we want to.\nWe get out of all-or-nothing thinking and find the balance between ease and effort.\n\nThe first step is reconnecting with our bodies’ cues and learning to trust our intuition – something diet culture has told us to ignore\, push past\, and override. \nAll of this sounds AMAZING\, right?!  But it is so different from what you are used to. \nLearn and explore this new approach inside the 75 Intuitive Facebook group led by non-diet nutrition and exercise professionals. \nHow it works:\nEvery week inside the Facebook group\, you will learn from a new non-diet professional about a key component of approaching health intuitively.  Topics include meal planning in a non-diet way\, finding motivation for movement\, tools to help with emotional eating\, trusting your body even when you don’t feel well\, and more! \nSunday: Topic and schedule for the week \nMondays: 30-minute Masterclass on the week’s topic \nTues-Thurs:  journaling prompts\, sharing and learning from others\, practicing what you’ve learned \nFridays: 1-hour Coaching Call for Q&A and extra support to get you closer to your goal \nYou can expect a lot of support\, powerful questions to take you deeper into your journey\, encouragement to give yourself credit for your progress (no matter how small)\, a safe community of other humans looking to get more intuitive. \nAnd there will be prizes for showing up and sharing! \n  \nCOST:  $0 – zippo – FREE!!!! \nYou only need to invest your time and energy – the more of this you invest\, the more you will get out of the offerings! \n  \nReady to get started? URL: CATEGORIES:Online ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230212 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230219 DTSTAMP:20250313T030245 CREATED:20231003T221102Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231003T221139Z SUMMARY:Keys to Body Confidence & Food Freedom DESCRIPTION:You will learn what is behind your struggle with your body and food\, deconstruct what keeps you stuck and learn how to break free! \n\nA 7-Day Online Discovery & Exploration of the Nourishing Vitality Method\nFebruary 12-18\, 2022\nYou are not crazy\, broken\, or a failure.\nYou are just disconnected and caught in a cycle.\nThe struggle is real & you CAN break free!\nIn this 7-day online discovery & exploration\, you will discover what’s behind your struggle with your body and food\, deconstruct what keeps you stuck\, and learn how to break free! \nPicture this…\nYou feel confident in your body \nYou are aligned with yourself \nYou take action that supports you feeling your best \nYou have freedom and ease in eating \nYou are energized and enjoy living life \nThis challenge is for you if you…\n\nDescribe your relationship with food as – love/hate\, a mess\, complicated\, guilt ridden\nFeel uncomfortable in your body and don’t know what to do about it\nRealize that diet after diet isn’t helping\nAre ready for a new approach to body-image\, eating and self-care\nWant to have confidence\, freedom and ease in your body and with food.\n\nWhat to expect:\n\nUnderstand The Fix-Restrict-Rebel-Guilt Cycle & identify how it shows up in your life\nGet the Breaking Free Blueprint\nUncover limiting beliefs that are impacting the way you see and treat your body\nCreate a new relationship with your body\nLearn the 5 most common unconscious patterns of eating and how to transform them\n\nWhat’s included:\n\nDaily content in your email box.\nA private Facebook group in which you will:\n\nFind all the information\, videos\, worksheets related to the daily topic\nAsk questions\, post revelations\, get feedback and coaching from me\nConnect with other group members – you are not alone!!!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHere’s why people are saying YES to Keys to Body Confidence & Food Freedom\, a 7 day discovery & exploration.\nThis course has shown me a better way to think about my body\, as a vessel that deserves to be valued and treated with care! \n– Tanya \nThis course has been life changing.  It’s been the little changes that have been most meaningful.  I appreciate that you didn’t hold me to unrealistic standards. \n– Annie \nIt’s not about restriction or forbidding\, but rather getting in touch with yourself and your body and actually listening. \n– Tif \n\n\n\n\n\n\nI want the Keys to Body Confidence and Food Freedom! URL: CATEGORIES:Online ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR